Apex Cane Corso Italiano
Cane Corso FCI Standard #343
![]() | FOREQUARTERS - Perpendicular, seen from the front or in profile. The height of the limbs at the elbows is equal to 50% of the height at the withers. Well proportioned to the size of the dog. Strong and powerful. Shoulder - Long, oblique, strong, equipped with long, powerful and well divided muscles, is adherent to the thorax but free in the movements. Its length, from the top of the withers to the ridge of the shoulder, is equal to 30% of the height at the withers and its inclination on the horizontal line is between 48ƒ/50ƒ. In relation to the median plane of the body the ridges of the shoulder-blades are slightly swerved. Arm - It is slightly longer than the shoulder, strong, with very well grown bones and muscles, well joined to the trunk in its top 2/3, measured from the ridge of the shoulder to the tip of the elbow, it has a length equal to 31/32% of the height at the withers and an inclination with the horizontal line of approx 58ƒ/60ƒ. Its longitudinal direction is parallel to the median plane of the body. The angle between the shoulder-blades and the humerus is between 106ƒ and 110ƒ. Elbows - The elbows, long and protruding, adherent but not too close to the ribcage, covered with lean skin, must be like the humeri, on a strictly parallel plane to the sagittal plane of the trunk. The tip of the elbow (olecranon epiphysis) is located on the vertical line lowered from the caudal (or back) angle of the shoulder-blade to the ground. Forearm - It is perfectly vertical, oval section, with several muscles, in particular in the top-third, with a very strong and compact bone structure. Its length, from the tip of the elbow to the one of the arm is equal to 32/33% of the height at the withers. Its perimeter, measured straight underneath the elbow, is equal to 39% of the height at the withers, the carpus-cubital groove is quite marked. Carpal joint - Seen from the front, it follows the straight vertical line of the forearm; it is lean, wide, mobile, thick. Its perimeter reaches 26% of height at the withers, at its top margin the pisiform bone is strongly projected backwards. Pastern - It is quite smaller than the forearm, is very strong, lean, elastic, slightly flexed (it forms with the ground an angle of approx. 75ƒ). Its length must not be over one sixth of the height of the forelimb at the elbow. Seen from the front, it follows the perpendicular line of the forearm and of the carpus. Forfeet - They have a round shape, with very arcuated and gathered toes (cat's foot). Lean and hard soles. The nails are strong, curved and pigmented, there is a good pigmentation also in the plantar and digital pads. |
Fore profiles (by the book "Il Cane Corso" R.
![]() | HINDQUARTERS - Perpendicular, seen from the front or in profile. Well proportioned to the size of the dog, strong and powerful. Thigh - It is long and wide, with prominent muscles, therefore the nate ridge is well marked. Its length is over 33% of the height at the withers and the width is never lower than 25% of such height. The thigh-bone axis, quite oblique from the top to the bottom and from the back to the front, has an inclination of 70ƒ on the horizontal line and forms with the coxal axis an angle which is slightly more than right (coxo-femural angle). Second thigh - It is long, lean, with a strong bone and muscle structure, has a well marked muscular groove. Its length is equal to 32% of the height at the withers and its inclination from the top to the bottom and from the front to the back is of approx. 50ƒ on the horizontal line. Stifle - The angle of the stifle joint, is of approx. 120ƒ. Its direction is parallel to the median plane of the body. Hock joint - It is wide, thick, clean, with well marked bone. The protruding hock ridge shows clearly the continuation of the leg groove. The distance from the ridge of the hock to the sole of the foot (to the ground) shouldn't be over 26% of the height at the withers. Its direction, in relation to the median plane of the body is parallel. The tibio-metatarsal angle is of approx 140ƒ. Hock (Metatarsus) - It is very thick, lean, rather short, cylindrical, and is always perpendicular to the ground, seen from the side and from the back, its length is equal to approx 15% of the height at the withers (tarsus and foot excluded). Its internal side has to present itself without spur. Hindfeet - They have a slightly more oval shape than the fore ones and a less arched toes. |
Hind profiles (by the book "Il Cane Corso" R.
GAIT/MOVEMENT - Long steps, stretched trot, some steps of gallop, but with inclination to stretched trot.
SKIN - It is, rather thick, has limited subcutaneous connective tissue and therefore is adherent everywhere to the layers underneath. The neck is practically without dewlap. The head mustn't have wrinkles. The pigment of the mucous membranes is black. The pigment of the soles and the nails must be dark.
COAT - Hair - Short hair but not smooth, with vitreous texture, shiny, adherent, stiff, very dense, with a light layer that becomes thicker in winter (but never crops up on the covering hair). Its average length is approx. 2/2,5 cm. On the withers, the rump, the back margin of the thighs and on the tail it reaches approx. 3 cm without creating fringes. On the muzzle the hair is very short, smooth, adherent and is not more than 1/1,5 cm. Color - Black, plumb-grey, slate, light grey, light fawn, deer fawn, dark fawn and tubby (very well marked stripes on different shades of fawn and grey). In the fawny and tubby subjects there is a black or grey mask only on the muzzle and shouldn't go beyond the eye line. A small white patch on the chest, on the feet tips and on the nose bridge is accepted.
HEIGHT AND WEIGHT - Height at the withers - For males from 64 cm. to 68 cm. For females from 60 cm. to 64 cm. With allowance of ± 2 cm. Weight - Males from 45 to 50 Kg. ratio weight/size O.710(Kg/cm). Females from 40 to 45 Kg. ratio weight/size 0.680 (Kg/cm).
FAULTS - Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and diffusion.
![]() | ELIMINATING FAULTS - Head - Accentuated parallelism of the axes of the skull and the muzzle very marked converging axes of the skull and the muzzle, converging side lines of the muzzle, scissors bite, pronounced and disturbing undershot mouth. Nose - Partial depigmentation. Tail - Forming a ring or in a vertical position. Size - Oversize or undersize. Gait/movement - Continued amble. |
![]() | DISQUALIFYING FAULTS - Head - Diverging axes of the skull and the muzzle, overshot mouth nosebridge resolutely hollow or ram-like. Nose - Total depigmentation. Eyes - Partial and bilateral palpebral depigmentation, wall-eye, bilateral strabismus. Sexual organs - Monorchidism, cryptorchidism, obvious incomplete growth of one or both testicles. Tail - Tailless, short-tail, artificial or congenital. Hair - Semi-long, smooth, fringed. Colors - All colors not prescribed, white patches too wide. |
Note - Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.